01422 246365
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leading the way to success

Leadership and Executive Coaching

Results focused coaching has dramatic effects on the performance of individuals and therefore on the success
of the business

Use our experience to enhance your capability

Our coaching approach is dedicated to building the capability of all our clients. It is individual, insightful, supportive and motivational, and we know this makes a significant difference to performance. 

From 1:1 coaching for executive, senior leaders, managers and aspiring managers, we work with you to agree the structure and content of the coaching programme. We identify the most effective way of coaching which can be face to face, telephone and video conferencing.

At Partners in Performance our world-class coaches are highly experienced in business. Their understanding of high level performance has been developed by working at senior levels in a variety of fields, including sport and business.  This means we understand the challenges and issues clients are under in times of change, transition or personal development.

We use a range of tools in our coaching such as; Psychometrics, 360 feedback, emotional intelligence surveys and motivation profiles depending on the client’s needs. We do this, when its appropriate for two reasons;

  • firstly to help structure and direct a coaching programme and 
  • secondly to provide an in-depth understanding of a client’s personality, strengths, preferences and behaviour.

Contact us to see how we can help you or a colleague to strengthen their personal and leadership approach through personal coaching.

People we have coached say…

'I want to thank you again for the support you gave me, your guidance and support has resulted in a huge turnaround for me…'

‘The work I have done with my coach has really helped me in lots of different ways. It was extremely useful and always tailored to my needs. I would strongly recommend these coaching sessions to any manager facing complex challenges and willing to invest in his/her development.'

'I really enjoyed working with my coach, the sessions were well structured and productive.  I feel confident putting the strategies and approaches we have explored into practice.'

'I am feeling much more confident and am enjoying putting my new approach into place.'

'The difference your coaching has made with a member of my team has been significant.  He is doing great. He is now running his own area and his confidence has visibly increased.  Thank you for your support and a job well done'.

Get in touch

So give us a call today

to find out more

telephone: 01422 246365

or email us at
